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· 4 min read

A Digital Toast: My Encounter with Louisiana's Mobile Driver's License

It was Friday night in New Orleans, and I was ready to kick off the weekend in true local style with a drink. I ordered my favorite wine on a food delivery app, but before the sale could be finalized, the wine store needed to verify my age. Seamlessly, they connected to my digital LA Wallet, and without sharing any extra details, my wallet confirmed I was 21+. Within 30 minutes, I was sipping my wine, in awe of the blend of tradition and cutting-edge technology - technology that I'm fortunate to work on, and also enjoy the convenience of.

· 3 min read

Web5 Meets Generative AI

"What can you actually build with Web5?" This is one of the most common questions I've heard as I enter my two-month mark at TBD. It's one thing to discuss the theoretical aspects of Web5, with its focus on decentralization and user empowerment, but it's another to see tangible, innovative applications come to life. This is why builders, visionaries, and project maintainers at TBD are excited to showcase Netonomy, a Web5 project built by Anthony DeMattos.

· 5 min read

Preptember Diaries- Gearing Up for Hacktoberfest 2023!

Hey there, fellow techies! 🍁 With October rolling in, we're greeted by the crisp orange leaves of fall, the comforting aroma of pumpkin spice, and of course, the much-anticipated Hacktoberfest. Whether you're a seasoned contributor or taking your first steps into the world of open-source, there's something for everyone. And guess what? We've got some exciting news!

· 4 min read

Who really owns your social media handles?

In today’s age of social media dominance, our online identities have become integral to both our personal lives and professional endeavors. From connecting with friends and family to building brands and businesses, platforms like Twitter and Instagram have given us the power to create digital personas that resonate with others where your user handle serves as a unique identifier in the digital world.

· 5 min read

Authentication With Web5

With the emergence of Web5 comes the exciting possibilities for individuals seeking more control over their online identities, data and content. With Web5, traditional authentication methods are no longer the sole means of verifying identity and ownership. Instead, users can leverage Decentralized Identifiers (DIDs) to establish their digital presence while retaining full control over their data. Let's explore how this revolutionizes authentication and content ownership as we know it.

· 3 min read

New Web5 Assistant Powered By OpenAI

Web5 introduces a paradigm shift in the way we build applications. App-centric logins and data storage are replaced with decentralized identity and personal data stores.

While Web5 abstracts away a lot of the complexity of building decentralized apps, it would be nice to have a helping hand to answer all of your Web5 questions.

That's why we've created a Web5 Assistant in the form of a ChatGPT plugin. The Web5 Assistant is built on GPT-4 and was trained on all of our available documentation.