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Welcome to your TBD community!

TBD Monthly Spotlight ✨

Shoutout to our superstar contributors! Whether you're coding, brainstorming, or cheering us on, every contribution adds magic to our community. Ready to contribute? We're looking forward to seeing your name light up this space soon! 🚀 Want a closer look at an individual's contributions? Simply click on a card to uncover more about their achievement for the month.

Community Champion Award

Your efforts in helping community members understand the fundamentals of Web5 are invaluable. It's amazing seeing your Incubation Project come to life with your contributions. Thank you for being part of our community.

Caleb CouchCaleb Couch
Rising Star Award

Your ambition of building web5-rust and your eagerness to learn everything about Web5 is amazing. Thank you for being in our community!

Trend Setter Award

Your consistent participation in our events and your enthusiasm on Discord matter a great deal to us.Thank you for sharing your excitement in our community.

Community Champion Award

Your passion and proactive attitude towards Web5 and our DWN projects are truly inspirational. Thank you for contributing and being part of our community.

Rising Star Award

You came to learn about Web5 and stayed to make significant contributions to the project. We're so grateful you are here!

Feedback Champion Award

Your commitment to learning Web5 is impressive, and we can't wait to see your future contributions. We're delighted to have you in our community.

Contributor Guide

Looking for ways to contribute to the community?

Incubation Projects

TBD Incubation projects are managed by community contributors.

Upcoming Events 🥳

Filter through our exciting events: 👀 Show & Tells for project highlights, 🏢 Office Hours for open discussions, 💡 Workshops for skill-building, 🎮 Twitch Streams for everything fun. Miss an event? checkout our YouTube channel to catch up. Whether you're with us live or watching later, we're thrilled to have you!

July 2024

TBD Innovators: Monthly Showcase

Click on each image to learn more about individual projects. Have a cool project that incorporates TBD's technologies? We'd love to hear about it! Share your work with us in Discord in our #share-what-you-do channel!

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