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Read DWN Records

You can get a specific record from a DWN, or an array of records.

Get Record by recordId​

If you know the recordId of the record you'd like to obtain, you can use the read function:

// Reads the indicated record from the user's DWNs
let { record } = await web5.dwn.records.read({
message: {
filter: {
recordId: recordId,

// assuming the record has a text payload
const text = await record.data.text();

Get Records that Match Filter​

However, you may not have the recordId available, and instead need to query for records that match a specific filter. This will return an array of records:

//Query records with plain text data format
const response = await web5.dwn.records.query({
message: {
filter: {
dataFormat: 'text/plain',

// Loop through returned records and print text from each
response.records.forEach(async record => {
console.log(await record.data.text());

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