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Update a DID

A DID Document provides a way to link a DID with the way the DID subject can be reached, i.e., through public keys, services endpoints, and more. There are several reasons why one might need to update a DID document including adding/deleting/updating service endpoints and keys.

In this guide, we'll demonstrate how to update a DID Document using the Web5 SDK.


To update a DID, you need access to your full BearerDid.

Adding a Service​

To add a new service, you can obtain the list of services from the DID Document, then add your new service to the list.


Updating a Service​

To update a service, you can find the service within the existing list of services, update any of the values, then republish the DID Document.


Deleting a Service​

To delete a service, you can remove the service from the existing list of services, then republish the DID Document.


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