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Parse JWT into VC

When signing a Verifiable Credential (VC), a JSON Web Token (JWT) is returned. This guide demonstrates how to parse the JWT to get the corresponding VC object.

What is a JWT​

A VC JWT is a secure URL-safe string representation of a credential, ideal for storage or transmission between two parties. JWT format is used to encode the credentials, making them both secure and easily transmissible.

Example JWT


Decoding JWT​

Once a VC JWT is received, the credential verifier will likely need to inspect or use the data that's contained within the credential. They can use parseJwt() to decode the JWT and convert it back into a VerifiableCredential object. This object format is more convenient for accessing and manipulating the credential's data within their application.


This returns the VC in JSON:


vcDataModel: {
'@context': [ 'https://www.w3.org/2018/credentials/v1' ],
type: [ 'VerifiableCredential', 'EmploymentCredential' ],
id: 'urn:uuid:8fd52030-1caf-4978-a35d-d417eb8e00b2',
issuer: 'did:dht:kfdtbcm9zgocf5matf9fxtnnffhhzxc7mgbwr4k3x3qziaucpp4y',
issuanceDate: '2023-12-21T17:02:01Z',
credentialSubject: {
id: 'did:dht:y39m48ozoete7z6fzaangcos87fhuh1dzi7f7jwbjft7otskh9to',
position: 'Software Developer',
startDate: '2021-04-01T12:34:56Z',
employmentStatus: 'Contractor'
expirationDate: '2022-09-30T12:34:56Z'

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